Mid Wales Go MTB Series

The series will provide opportunities for those new to racing or mountain biking to try an event on a marked course in a fun and friendly way. The routes will also be suitable for those more experienced in racing who want to keep their fitness up.
The series will be made up of 5 rounds with the 4 best results to count towards your final total. Riders must be registered for the series at Rounds 1 or 2 to be eligible for a trophy at the end. Where the Mid Wales rounds incorporate part of another series such as the WMBS then the adult class to count will be the fun category.
The classes will be :
U6, U8 (Youth E), U10 (Youth D), U12 (Youth C), U14 (Youth B), U16 (Youth A), O16 (Junior), Adult (Over 18)
The rounds will be :
February 12th @ Coed Y Brenin hosted by Dreigiau Coed Y Brenin
April 16th @ Aberystwyth hosted by Ystwyth Juniors
May 21 @ Penrhyncoch hosted by Ystwyth Juniors
June 25th @ Newtown hosted by Hafren CC
TBC hosted by The Bulls
There will be the option to have a practice on the course before each race and we hope to have a podium and prizes at each round.
A big thank you goes to Tony Brooks who has agreed to sponsor the series and will provide trophies at the end of the series.
It may seem a little complicated but it really isn’t, just turn up and have some fun.
For further details please email ystwythjuniors@gmail.com

Ystwyth Jersey Challenge update

Only 5 weeks into the 2017 Challenge and there are already some great photos in the album! Share where you have taken the Ystwyth jersey by emailing your photos to ystwythcc@gmail.com or post on Facebook or Twitter #ystwythjerseychallenge. Our club sponsor Summit Cycles have kindly agreed to award the winning photo with a £65 voucher!
View the photos so far here:

Skills & Fitness Session – 28th January

Back at Canolfan Rheidol Council Offices in Aberystwyth this Saturday at 2:15pm. No need to book for the kids, turn up sign on and enjoy.
Skills for the first hour then fitness for the older riders and ladies in the second part.

We plan to have a ladies group again this week if there’s interest.

These will be building up the speed around a circuit and riding in groups in preparation for the races being run by WWCRT in March, the Abercyclefest races along with any other event you might enter.

Please email ystwythjuniors@gmail.com to book in.

Ystwyth CC Winter Spin Booking Now Open

WINTER SPIN PART DEUX….Spin payment is now open. It’s £34 for 10 weeks starting Wednesday 18th January, running to the 22nd March. Two groups as usual; first group Jeff 5.30-6.30 and second group Alastair 6.30-7.30. First come first served – refunds are not provided. Thanks all….

Ystwyth Cycle Club Weekend – don’t miss out…

The YCC WEEKEND is being arranged for the 28 – 30 April in Criccieth, all club members welcome. We are going a bit later this year than usual in the hope of better weather than last year! We have provisionally reserved rooms for 39 people at the Lion Hotel, Criccieth at a cost of £100/person for two nights including breakfast.
If you can come please include your name on this google sheet or post a message here. It’s first come first served. More details to follow closer to the time.
We will need to confirm numbers asap, with full payment by the 3rd of February.

Aberystwyth skills session for all ages and abilities – Saturday 14th January

These will be coached sessions based at Canolfan Rheidol, Council Offices in Aberystwyth.

2:15 to 3:15 – Skills and exercises for all ages and abilities. We will probably split into two or three groups for these.

There will also be a women’s only group running which will concentrate on cornering, braking and gearing. This needs to be booked in advance by emailing c.jones.285@btinternet.com

3:30 to 4:30 – Fitness and efforts for the older ones and any adults. These will be building up the speed around a circuit and riding in groups in preparation for the races being run by WWCRT in March, the Abercyclefest races along with any other event you might enter.