Catalina Architecture & Design TT series 2024 – Round 7 results

With a rare full sun on the forecast, it was great to see nine riders lined up for the Llety Gwyn 10 mile course. Unfortunately, a mechanical at the start meant that one rider had to abandon, leaving the eight to tackle the course.

With the TT secretary away training hard abroad, the riders were left in the capable hands of Elaine, Derek, Scott and Aled to organise, time keep and marshal the event. Thank you to all of them that made the event possible, as well as a thank you to all the riders!

With the westerly wind slightly helping the riders on the outward leg, it was going to be an interesting evening to see if the conditions favoured the riders and fast times.

Once the results were collated, it was Caron Pugh who took a convincing win for the men, looking strong and finishing across the line with 22.19. Taking the second podium spot Ade Price, in 28.06 and David Bond completing the podium in 28.46.

In the women’s event, Lowri Richards was back on her TT bike this week to take the win with a swift 25.33. Emma Palfrey fresh from her win at the Fishguard Sprint Triathlon, crossed the line in second with 25.56.

It was great to see Llyr Morgan, returning back to the time trials and a mention to David Bond who is riding consistently and improving week on week. As well as taking the third podium spot, David had knocked over a minute from his Llety Gwyn previous time.

Next week the time trial series heads back to Cwm Rheidol. All riders are welcome, and further details will be posted on the Club Facebook page before the event.

Round 7 Results – Llety Gwyn 10 mile:
Caron Pugh 22:19
Lowri Richards 25:33
Emma Palfrey 25:56
Anita Saycell 27:12
Ade Price 28:06
David Bond (R) 28:46
Mike Fitch (R) 29:55
Llyr Morgan 33:32

R = No TT bars

Derek Rattray & Elaine Rowlands
Chief Marshal
Scott Tompsett
Aled Richards

David Bond before his PB ride